Simplicity of Grace and Salvation Network

SOGAS Network

Simplicity of Grace and Salvation (SOGAS) Network

Simplicity of Grace and Salvation (SOGAS) Network is a platform focused on getting the gospel of Christ to unreached areas across Africa with a special focus on the gospel of grace, the simplicity of salvation and the reality of hell.

To do this, we provide broad support to field missionaries across Africa.


Simplicity of Grace and Salvation (SOGAS) Network is a platform focused on getting the gospel of Christ to unreached areas across Africa with a special focus on three key pillars:
  • The gospel of grace
  • The simplicity of salvation
  • The reality of hell

If you are called to be a rural missionary or already on the field as a rural missionary, and are led by the Holy Spirit to reach out to us for help, click the button bellow or please send us an introductory email at:

About Us

Our organization exists to support missionaries who have been genuinely called to minister the gospel of Christ to people in unreached rural areas across Africa. Our calling is clear – we strive to take off all additional burden from missionaries, so they can focus on their primary assignment of preaching the gospel

Our goal is to reduce the heavy burden on the missionaries

The goal of our support is to take off all extra burdens from missionaries so they can focus exclusively on spreading the good news and gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are called to be a support network to missionaries and bring some ease to their task as best as we can. The mission is urgent and we want to support the foot soldiers who are making sacrifices in executing this great commission.

Our comprehensive support includes finance, logistics, planning, research, access, all general administrative tasks and any required resource needed exclusively for their ministry task. We understand the sacrifices rural missionaries make and we want to make their lives as easy as we can at no cost to them.

Called To Be A Rural Missionary?

If you are called to be a rural missionary or already on the field as a rural missionary, and are led by the Holy Spirit to reach out to us for help, please click the button bellow.

Or please send us an introductory email at: